Wednesday, October 7

mr chan's wallet and phone got stolen

wonder if it's for greed or need
either one still ain't good
upset now
more to come
believe in new finances and contacts

God is still good
and in Him lies all answers
just wait upon Him

it's hard to kill

there can be miracles
when you believe
though hope is frail
it’s hard to kill
who knows what miracles
you can achieve
when you believe
sometimes you will
you will when you

Monday, October 5

Out of Business

Mr Chan is out of business for the time being.
He is currently in NIE for further studies and will be back in action in 4 years. Nonetheless, this blog will still be updated as frequent as possible. =)

Friday, May 15

~ F R U I T S ! ~

Below are some tips and facts about fruits that probably most of us may not have known yet…

And especially in this health crisis around the world, and apart from just being thankful and grateful that Singapore is still “safe”, we should keep on doing our part to keep ourselves fit and healthy… and be well prepared should circumstances worsen…

So, here goes… =)

We all think that eating means simply buying fruits, cutting it and just popping them into our mouths.


Fruits should be taken in empty stomach…… not as a deserted meal as is often done.

If you eat fruits like that it will also serve a major role to detoxify your system, supplying with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities

Lets say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit.
As fruits digest faster than bread, the slices of fruits digest quickly and ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but its passage is blocked by the bread which takes longer to digest….

..... In the mean time the whole meal ferments and
turns to acid.
Consequently when fruits, come into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil.
And you can imagine what the whole mass would look like in your stomach…

So it is better to eat fruits with an empty stomach, or right before your meal!

You have heard people complaining -
☺ “Every time I eat watermelon I burp”,
☺ “When I eat durians my stomach bloats up”,
☺ “When I eat bananas, next thing I feel like running to toilet” etc.

Actually all this would not arise if you eat the fruits in empty stomach.
The fruits mix with the other putrefying food and produces gas and hence bloat!
Graying hair, balding and nervous outburst, dark circles under the eyes – all this will not happen if you take fruits with an empty stomach.

It is incorrectly presumed that some fruits like orange and lemon are acidic and will enhance acidity in the stomach.
Research however shows that all fruits become alkaline in our body.

When you need to drink fruit juice, drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans.
Don’t drink juice that has been heated up.

Don’t eat cooked fruits because you don’t get nutrient at all.
You only get to taste.
So stop making ‘durian porridge’ if you want nutrients.
Cooking fruits totally destroys all the vitamins.

Eating the pulp or the whole fruit is far better than drinking the juice as the fiber is good for you.

If you drink the juice, drink them sip by sip slowly, you should let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it.

A 3-day “fruit fast” is a very simple and very effective way to cleanse and de-toxify your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juices throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look after that!

During the “fruit fast” you can eat different fruits at different times, although occasionally mixed fruit salad would also be permissible and more interesting.

If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.

Alright! That’s about all for now… =)

Wishing everyone a healthy and “FRUITFUL” life!!


Thursday, May 7


If you haven’t realised, we’re under attack by the H1N1 Virus! Just like how the robots in transformers combine and transform into BIGGER and STRONGER robots, SWINE Flu is a combination of pigs’ flu, human flu and the common flu. The virus have re-combined to form similarly, a BIGGER and STRONGER enemy of our immune systems.

Below are some FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS about the Virus and the situation in SINGAPORE : (look where u tread in future)

1. What is Swine Flu (Swine Influenza)?
Swine flu is a respiratory disease affecting pigs that is caused by type A influenzavirus. Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, butmost outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to influenzaoutbreaks in humans. It causes high levels of illness but low death rates in pigs.

2. Does Swine Flu affect humans?
Swine flu viruses that cause disease in pigs very rarely affect humans. However,sporadic human infections with swine flu have occurred. Most commonly, thesecases occur in persons with direct exposure to pigs but there have also beendocumented cases of human-to-human spread of swine flu.

3. How does Swine Flu spread to humans?
Swine flu spreads to humans mainly through contact with infected pigs, which shedthe virus in their saliva, nasal secretions and faeces. Limited human-to-humantransmission can also occur in the same way as seasonal flu occurs in people.

4. Can people catch Swine Flu from eating pork?
There is currently no evidence to suggest that swine flu can be transmitted tohumans from eating pork or pork products that have been thoroughly cooked.

5. What are the symptoms of Swine Flu in humans?
The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms ofregular human seasonal influenza. An early symptom is high fever, and this isfollowed by cough, sore throat, runny nose, and sometimes breathlessness a fewdays later.

6. How can human infections with swine flu be diagnosed?
To diagnose swine flu, a respiratory specimen would generally need to be collectedwithin the first 4 to 5 days of illness (when an infected person is most likely to beshedding the virus). However, some persons, especially children may shed the virusfor 10 days or longer.

7. What medications are available to treat swine flu infection inhumans?
There are four different antiviral drugs that are licensed for use in Singapore for thetreatment of influenza: amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir. Whilemost swine flu viruses have been susceptible to all four drugs, the most recent swineflu viruses isolated from humans are resistant to amantadine and rimantadine. At thistime, the US CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) or zanamivir(Relenza®) for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine flu viruses.

8. Are there any cases of Swine Flu in Singapore?
To date, there have been no human cases of swine flu detected in Singapore.

9. Is there any cause for alarm in Singapore?
No human swine flu cases have been reported in Singapore. MOH is monitoring thesituation closely and will update the public should the situation change.

10. What is MOH doing to ensure that the disease is nottransmitted here?
MOH maintains a comprehensive and well established disease surveillance systemfor the early detection of human cases of novel influenzas such as swine flu. Inaddition, MOH has sent a medical alert to all medical practitioners and staff inhospitals, national centres, private medical clinics and polyclinics to update them onthe outbreak of swine flu in the USA and Mexico and to advise them to be vigilant forany suspect cases. When the situation warrants, MOH will step up public healthmeasures e.g. quarantine of contacts, issue public health advisories, and work withother government agencies to screen visitors at our border checkpoints. Further,MOH has an influenza pandemic preparedness plan in response to a pandemicsituation.

11. Is it safe to visit countries with cases of Swine Flu and will Ibe quarantined when I return?
What travel precautions should I take?
There are currently no travel restrictions or quarantine advised by the World HealthOrganisation for swine flu. If you intend to travel to areas which have cases of swineflu (currently – Southern California and Texas in the United States; and Mexico,and Korea), youshould take note of the following measures to minimize your risk of acquiring swineflu:_ Avoid contact with persons with symptoms of influenza_ Avoid crowded areas and maintain good ventilation._ Observe good personal and environmental hygiene. Wash handsthoroughly with soap and water frequently and when they are contaminatedby respiratory secretions e.g. after sneezing._ Maintain good body resistance through a balanced diet, regularexercise, having adequate rest, reducing stress and not smoking.
12. What should I do if I suspect I have swine flu after returning toSingapore?
You should consult your doctor as soon as possible and inform your doctor if youhave symptoms of swine flu and had recently travelled to areas which have cases ofswine flu (currently – Southern California and Texas in the United States; andMexico).

13. What should I do if I fall ill overseas?
You should consult a local doctor as soon as possible and refrain from traveling untilyou are certified fit by the doctor.

14. Does influenza vaccination help in preventing Swine Flu?
Vaccines are available to be given to pigs to prevent swine influenza. There is novaccine to protect humans from swine flu. The seasonal influenza vaccine is unlikelyto protect against H1N1 swine flu viruses.

15. Is it safe to come into contact with live pigs in nature reservesand the wildlife reserves?
So far, there are no known cases of swine flu in Singapore. However, proper hygienepractices, such as washing of hands after contact with animals including pigs, shouldbe maintained.

All in all, lets hope that the situation would stabilise soon and control would be possible over the whole incident…

Meanwhile, take care of yourself and your close ones around you.

Remind each other to stay clean, fit and healthy!

Take Care!



Friday, May 1

A Little Christian Humor... =P

Jesus and Satan are having an on-going challenge about who is better on the computer.

They had been doing it for days, and God is tired of hearing all the bickering.

Finally fed up, God said, 'THAT'S IT! I have had enough.. I am going to set up a test that will run for two hours, and from those results, I will judge which of you do a better job.'

So Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and start typing away.

They moused.

They faxed.

They e-mailed.

They e-mailed with attachments.

They downloaded.

They did spreadsheets!

They wrote reports.

They created labels and cards.

They created charts and graphs.

They dolled up powerpoints!

They did some genealogy reports .

They did every job known to man.

Jesus worked with heavenly efficiency and Satan works faster than hell.

Then, ten minutes before their time was up, lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, rain poured, and, of course, the power went off !!!

Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse known in the underworld.

Jesus just sighed and sit back.

Finally the electricity came back on, and each of them restarted their computers.

Satan started searching frantically, screaming: 'It's gone! It's all GONE! 'I lost everything when the power went out! Ahhhhhhh……!’

Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files from the past two hours of work.

Satan observed this and became very irritated. 'Wait!' he screamed. 'This is not fair! He cheated! How come he has all his work and I don't have any?'

God just shrugged and said,


Monday, April 27

A Cheerful Heart is Good Medicine

Did you know that a cheerful heart will be good for you? Yes, it will indeed! Showing love to others instead of indifference or hate, won't be bad for you or the world either.

How is your heart? Is it hard, soft, pliable, down, broken, crushed, or upbeat and grateful?

A group of behavioral scientists once revealed the results of an experiment they conducted after World War II. They said that many orphans where roaming around family-less in Germany at that time and they decided to do a study with two groups of these neglected little children. They found 100 children and put half of them in one group, and the other half in another test group. And then they really got started with it.
One of the groups of kids where given everything that they physically needed. You know, they were given healthy food, clothing, shelter, a warm place to sleep well as giving them lots of warm loving attention and gentle affection.

The other 50 children had their physical needs met except they received no loving attention or affection.

Very sad huh. Don't know how these guys could even do this.

Now after 365 days had passed, both groups of children were then tested a bit. Those children who received the loving affection and tender human care were literally an average of two inches taller and several pounds heavier. They were well-adjusted and merry of heart.

The other group of kids simply experienced more diseases and sickness physically, let alone the emotional challenges.

Need a holy, genuinely caring touch yourself? God can touch you, heal you and meet all your needs! Did you know that joyous laughter is like healing medicine for people? Proverbs 17:22 says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength" (nlt). People are uniquely made by God in such a way that they are the ones who can weep, blush, and chuckle. What animal can do those three things?

We are so blessed to be able to do these three things. God ordained it to be like that, because "A merry heart does good like a medicine…"

This is simple to apply. Chose to reject all negative complaining, cold-heartedness, murmuring and instead decide to love people and have a cheerful heart!

Wednesday, March 25

Some ways to help Her... =)

1. Skip plastic water bottles and drink from a glass or a refillable stainless steel bottle when you’re on the go.

2. Use newspaper, magazines or pictures you've drawn for wrapping paper! Be creative!

3. Use paper products like napkins and paper towels made from recycled paper instead of right from the trees.

4. Turn off those lights! Turning off the lights when you leave a room conserves energy.

5. Snack on real food like fruits, veggies and cheese instead of processed foods like potato chips or candy bars. Mmmm good.

6. Climb a tree! Spend more time outside—it’ll remind you of all the natural wonders you’re helping to protect.

7. Recycle! Help your family set up bins for paper, plastic, glass and aluminum to make recycling easier.

8. Use less water! Take shorter showers. Long showers account for 2/3 of all water heating costs.

9. Urge your parents to use compact fluorescent light bulbs which use about 75% less electricity than incandescent bulbs.

10. Be a plug-patroller! Carefully unplug all electronics when they're not in use.

11. Encourage your parents to buy a hybrid car. Hybrid cars can save 16,000 lbs of CO2 a year.

12. Skip the dryer and let your clothes air-dry on a clothesline. You'll save energy and they'll smell good!
13. Print assignments on both sides. Talk to your principal about enforcing double-sided printing-only in school. =P

14. Say no to plastic bags! Bring a reusable bag when you go shopping.

15. Get involved! Set up a letter writing campaign in your school to urge your government to pass green legislation. (wooo!!!)

16. Shut down your computer! Turning off your computer when you’re not using it saves 300 pounds of CO2 a year!

17. Turn off the faucet(the tap lah)! To conserve this all-important resource, turn the water off while you’re brushing your teeth.

18. Plant a tree! Trees absorb CO2 and give off oxygen that helps counter our carbon footprints.

19. Tell your parents to change their car's air filter. Changing the filter can save 800 lbs of carbon a year!

20. Write on both sides of the paper! And make sure you're notebooks are made of recycled paper, too.

21. Everyone looks better in natural light! Instead of turning on the lights, open the shades and let the sun stream in.

22. Only wash full loads of laundry, or, if you have less to wash, be sure to use the appropriate water level.

23. Become Mr. or Ms. Fix-it! Repair things instead of throwing them out. You'll reduce waste and learn some cool new stuff!

24. Instead of throwing away your old stuff, give it to charity or swap with your friends.

25. Remind your parents to inflate their tires! Keeping tires properly inflated can save 250 lbs of carbon a year!

Stay Young and Happy! =)

Earth Hour 2009 - 28 Mar 09 8.30pm - 9.30pm








EARTH Hour 8.30pm-9.30pm...












-the Earth Hour Team

Sunday, March 22

4. Prepare For Your Next Lesson

Now that you have done everything necessary about your last lesson, its time to prepare for your next lesson. How do you do that?

First, find out what topic you will be learning in your next lesson. If you have a lesson schedule, refer to it. Otherwise, you can always ask your teacher at the end of each lesson.

Next, read up on the topic before you attend the next lesson. You can read about the topic in your textbook, from any book in the library, or from the Internet. Read as if you are reading a storybook, a magazine or a newspaper. Remember: you are reading about the topic just to get some background idea. Its okay if you dont understand everything that you read at this point. Once you attend the next lesson, you will find that it will be easier for you to understand whatever your teacher is talking about, as well as whatever you have read about the topic.

Then, in class, you can focus your attention on writing notes on the areas of the topic that your teacher emphasizes.

Saturday, March 21

3. Consult Your Teacher About Your Study Questions

Now that you have revised your lesson notes and homework, you may have a list of questions that you need answered. Who is the best person to consult? A classmate? Nope.

You should never consult a fellow classmate as far as possible. This is because, like you, your classmates are also trying to learn new knowledge and skills from your teacher.

Your teacher has already acquired a lot of correct knowledge from his teacher. That is why your teacher is now teaching you. If your classmates can teach you just as well as your teacher, why do you still need your teacher?

In most cases, your classmates may only have partial knowledge of a topic that you are learning in class. They may also have questions themselves. If you approach a fellow classmate who is only as good as you, chances are you will get the wrong answers to your questions.

Always consult your teacher directly. Dont be afraid to approach your teacher and ask for a private session. He will be most willing to help you. Nothing brings more satisfaction to a teacher than a student who is willing to learn.

Of course, your teacher may have a busy schedule, so he may not be able to meet you at the times that you request. But if you need help, you should be patient.

As long as you can make it at the times that your teacher is available, go for it.
A few things to note, though. If you get a private session with your teacher, always go prepared with your list of questions. Ask intelligent questions. Dont ask your teacher to repeat his lesson all over again for you. You know it wont happen.

Dont expect your teacher to help you with all your homework. He has already done his. Dont fall into the trap of thinking that if you consult your teacher more often than the other students, he will pay special attention to you and like you more. Your teacher will be able to see through your ploy.

Remember: dont leave your questions unanswered, or they will snowball as you attend new lessons. And they will impede your understanding of new lessons, as well as cost you dearly in your test and exam scores. =X

(1 more post to go, keep it up! =) )

Friday, March 20

2. Finish Your Homework From Your Previous Lesson

Again, unless this is your very first classroom lesson in a new semester, your teacher may have given you some homework to do in a previous lesson. Make sure you have done all your homework before you attend your next lesson.

This is because each lesson is usually an extension of the previous lesson. That is, what you will be taught in lesson 2 is usually based on what you have been taught in lesson 1. If you dont do your homework from lesson 1, you will not be able to put into practice whatever you have learnt in that lesson.

Doing homework is one of the best ways to find out whether you have understood a lesson. If you complete your homework from lesson 1, you will be able to understand whatever you are supposed to learn in that lesson better. Come lesson 2, you may have less difficulty in understanding whatever your teacher teaches. That is why most teachers, if not all, emphasize that you must complete your homework after each lesson.

Of course, not every student can complete all his or her homework without difficulty every time. You may run into problems with your homework now and then. This is normal. Again, make a list of your homework problems and approach your teacher for help.
(still to come, 2 more posts =) )

Thursday, March 19

1. Revise Lesson Notes

(cont as promised =))

This is a very important step. Unless this is your very first classroom lesson in a new semester, you would have attended a previous lesson.

Most students may attend a classroom lesson, finish their homework, and dump their books aside. Only the conscientious students will make the extra effort to revise their lesson notes. Why do they need to do that?

The reason is very simple. In a classroom setting, there are many distractions that may keep you from absorbing everything that your teacher may have said or written. Ideas and knowledge that were exchanged and discussed among you, your teacher and classmates might not be captured in writing. It is therefore always a good habit to revise your lesson notes.

You may be pleasantly surprised that as you do so, you may recall some ideas and knowledge that were exchanged and discussed in class. Write them down as you recall them. These supplementary notes could potentially increase your understanding of a lesson, as well as boost your test and exam scores should you be tested on them.

It is recommended that you revise your lesson notes within the day when you have had your lesson. This is because the lesson will be fresh in your memory and you will be more able to recall what happened.

As you revise your lesson notes, you may also have some questions about the lesson. Make a list of these questions. Armed with these questions, you may then approach your teacher for help in a private session.

3 more posts to come... =)

Wednesday, March 11

Why Classes and How to Gain the Most?

Whether you are in primary school, secondary school, or tertiary school, you attend classroom lessons. The classroom is where TEACHERS impart New Knowlege to you, and where YOU go to Learn.

Since schooling is something that is unavoidable here, why not be extra happy about it and thankful for the experiences you get?

Did you know that your CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE could be greatly enhanced if you know how to prepare for your classroom lessons?

In the next 4 posts, you will learn HOW TO GAIN THE MOST out of your classroom lessons. Mainly, by PREPARATION. =)